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Volunteer Databases and Applications in Spanish

  • October 17, 2017 11:37 AM
    Message # 5318856
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In essence of equity (which is awesome!) our leadership is starting to request volunteer applications be available in Spanish. For those who utilize databases like we use Volgistics, how does that work for you logistically and processing wise?

  • October 18, 2017 3:44 PM
    Reply # 5321302 on 5318856

    Hi, Karrie! I don't have an answer, but I'm keen to learn more about this as well. If you come across any resources not posted to the NOVAA forum, will you let me know? My email is I'll keep my eyes peeled on this thread as well. Thank you!

  • October 24, 2017 4:49 PM
    Reply # 5340031 on 5318856
    Deleted user


    The Beaverton School District uses Better Impact.  Unfortunately, there isn't an option to view the online application in Spanish or any other language.  As a workaround,  we created a line-by-line translation.

    MyVolunteerPage Formulario - Guia de Español a Inglés  (There have been a few changes and I am working on an updated version!) . 

    As part of the application process, volunteers can select Spanish as their language region.  AFTER the application is submitted, from the volunteer's view, the structure or fixed sections of the software are translated into Spanish.  We need to enter any organizational or program specific information (Custom Fields) into English/Spanish.   

    So far, this has been a successful workaround.  

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