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Learning Community: Delegation: Empowering Volunteers and Creating Team Leaders

  • October 04, 2018
  • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Oregon Community Foundation 1221 SW Yamhill Street 2nd floor, Swindells Board Room


Registration is closed

The NOVAA Learning Community – Volunteer management professionals gathering around relevant topics to both teach and learn from their peers in facilitated conversations.

This panel discussion and group conversation will examine how the practice of promoting volunteers into leadership positions can be a great way to recognize and retain your volunteers while also making sure your program’s needs are being met. We will discuss how to develop appropriate leadership roles, how to identify the right volunteers, and how to provide ongoing supervision and feedback.

Please join fellow NOVAA members for a peer-to-peer discussion focused on volunteer turnover.
There will be opportunities for peer-to-peer discussion, so please come with your ideas and questions about volunteer leadership!

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